Financial experts will give you all kinds of financial advice: Spend within your means Invest in index funds Pay off your credit cards All of this is great. But if I could give one piece of financial advice to someone, it would be this: Desperation is the ultimate enemy of your bank account Desperate decision […]
psychology of wealth-building
Trapped in debt: When past trauma controls your wallet
The subconscious effects of abuse, religion, and poverty on your money mindset I just finished reading Maus, the Pullitzer-winning graphic novel portraying one family’s experiences in Nazi-occupied Poland. Over the course of a few years, the Jewish family lost everything as the Germans took over their home and business. Eventually, they were sent to Auschwitz, where […]
Thinning The Soup: How The Great Depression Shaped Me
It’s now been 90 years since the Great Depression, yet its consequences still echo in my daily life.
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Minimalist confessions: I love to shop
How can I capture the benefits of shopping — distraction, empowerment, hope—without actually doing it?
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Single and seeking financial independence: Do I have a chance?
Marriage is technically a much easier road to financial independence than singledom. But given our freedom and single-mindedness, we can come out on top.
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Let Genghis Khan help you get out of debt
Genghis Khan conquered more territory than anyone in history. His revolutionary military strategy holds wisdom for us on eradicating debt.
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Courage is a coal that we swallow
The road we’re on isn’t an easy one. We are afraid. And yet we take the next step. And the next.
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To Build Wealth, You Must Outsmart Yourself
The more objective you think you are, the more likely you are to make silly decisions
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