Financial experts will give you all kinds of financial advice: Spend within your means Invest in index funds Pay off your credit cards All of this is great. But if I could give one piece of financial advice to someone, it would be this: Desperation is the ultimate enemy of your bank account Desperate decision […]
my story
My retirement age was 95. Now it’s 45
Three steps I’ve taken in order to shave 50 years off my retirement date.
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Nine Years Car-Free: The Highs, the Lows, and Everything in Between
In 2009, I took my last drive in my Chrysler Sebring. It was the first step in a whole new life filled with sunshine, exercise, and making new memories.
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Thinning The Soup: How The Great Depression Shaped Me
It’s now been 90 years since the Great Depression, yet its consequences still echo in my daily life.
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Car-free or car-light? A common sense approach to transportation
One quarter of all trips in the US are one mile or less. It’s time to weigh the logic of when to drive and when to leave the car at home.
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The three women who got me out of my car and onto my bike
I’ve made a very gradual transition from happy, wobbly training-wheels me to happy, wobbly 30’s me riding to my local hardware store.
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400 square feet to 100 square feet: Downsizing with love
My things aren’t going into a black hole. Someone else will be able to love them and make new memories with them.
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